Join Us

If you would like to join the Society, please get in touch by clicking this link Membership Secretary, and use the email form if you have questions before being able to apply, or by completing the form below.

The annual subscription for 2024/25 is:

Single Full   £20
Single Reduced    £10
Joint Full    £30
Joint Reduced    £15

Our ‘year’ runs from April to March, so if you join ‘mid-year’ the charge is still the full amount but if joining from the 1st April until the 30th September it will run until the following 31st March, giving between a minimum of 6  months to a full 12 months membership. However, if joining from the 1st October until the 31st March, membership will run through the following year, giving up to 18 months membership for the price of 12. 

Our preferred method of payment is by standing order as we do not manage direct debits.

The reduced rate applies for students, retirees or those not in employment.

Please view useful information which should answer all the frequently asked questions about joining the society. We also have a note about Junior Membership.

The reduced rate applies for students, retirees or those not in employment.

Before completing the form please read the following page:

General information for potential new members

NOTE:  The form gives our Membership Secretary the information needed to inform you of the subscription payment applicable in your circumstances. Once you have paid, the treasurer will confirm this to the membership secretary and you will receive a welcome email. Your patience is appreciated during this process but if you have not heard anything after several days please let us know by emailing using the link above.

Membership Application Request: