It was announced at the last meeting, on the 12th August 2024, which photos were judged by the membership to be the winners of the Aesthetic and Technical categories.
With a total of 24 entries, all of very high quality, (viewable HERE), the votes produced clear winners. Susan Snow was the winner of the Aesthetic category, with her photo Moon Rise.

The winner of the Technical category was Tim Jackson, with his photo of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks “Mother of Dragons”. With a total of 26 votes this also makes Tim the overall winner and recipient of the Dan Turton Trophy, to be presented at the September meeting.

The Committee would like to extend our thanks all those who entered and for making the competition very interesting indeed. Entries for the next competition will need be submitted in March next year so all members are encouraged to see what they can do before then. We will all be looking forward to it.